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Assalamualaikum , my name is Muhammad Firdaus Iqbal Bin Mohd Farik (13DEM19F1059) and today I will write about the experiment that we have carried out during our last lectures period for this subject before the corona virus (read : Covid-19) spreads throughout the country which is the experiment regarding the relationship between pressure and depth.           The relationship between pressure and depth are something usual and very related to our daily basis life . Indeed they are very common but not everyone noticed the idea of pressure and depth and where can we apply this idea in our life. There are a few examples regarding the idea of the experiment which is :-  water damp water tank  water container   If you guys wonder why all the examples listed are all about water , it is because water is in the form of liquid and only liquid will be affected by preassure and depth as a whole. I will explain further regarding this issue using ...
Catatan terbaharu


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,             I am  MUHAMMAD FARHAN ISYMAL BIN HILMAN @ ZUBAIR (13DEM19F1037) and i want to share some of the knowledge that I have learned before. The topic I want to share is called 'ISENTROPIC'. In thermodynamics, isentropic is an idealized thermodynamic process.                        ISENTROPIC PROCESS                                   The  isentropic process    is called  reversible, adiabatic process . Entropy change is caused by heat transfer and irreversibilities . Heat transfer to a system increases the entropy, heat transfer from a system decreases it. The effect of irreversibilities is always to increase the entropy. In fact, a process in which the heat transfer is out of the system may be so irreversible that ...

Second Law.

    Assalamualaikum , nama saya Huwaida Bt Mohamad Madani (13DEM19F1029) , Pada 15.03.2020 , saya telah mempelajari tajuk yang berkaitan dengan Second Law.     Konsep second law ialah untuk mengeluarkan haba. Ianya terbahagi kepada dua iaitu heat engine dan reverse heat engine. Pada kali ini saya ingin menerangkan tentang reverse heat engine. Terdapat dua contoh bagi reverse heat engine iaitu heat pump dan refrigerator.   REVERSE HEAT ENGINE                                         Formula bagi reverse heat engine bagi heat pump ialah C.O.P = Qh / Win manakala formula bagi refrigerator ialah C.O.P = Ql / Win. Kesimpulannya , ialah e njin haba terbalik adalah peranti yang memindahkan tenaga dari objek pada suhu yang lebih rendah ke objek pada suhu yang lebih tinggi dengan melakukan kerja pada sistem. Ini pada asasnya membalikkan pros...

Second Law

Assalamualaikum , nama saya adalah Siti Nurasyiqin binti Mohd Radzuan (13DEM19F1033).Pada 15/3/2020 , tajuk yang saya pelajari adalah Second Law Konsep second law ialah untuk mengeluarkan haba . Terdapat dua jenis iaitu heat engine dan reverse heat engine. Heat reservor terbahagi kepada dua iaitu hot (suhu tinggi) dan cold ( suhu perlahan) .  HEAT ENGINE CANOT CYCLE Formula yang saya pelajari untuk heat engine ialah :

Lab 2 : Flow Measurements

Assalamualaikum, my name is Muhammad Al-Hasyir bin Mohd Wazir(13DEM19F1021). Today I will explain about experiment 2 : Flow Measurements, Apparatus Hydraulic bench Stop watch Screw driver or pen SOLTEQ Flowmeter Measuring Apparatus Experimental Procedures Fully close the control valve and fully open the discharge valve. Ensure the discharge hose properly directed to sump tank. Also ensure the collection tank drain hole is open to allow flow discharge back into sump tank. Fill sump tank with 3/4 full of water. Start up the pump supply. Slowly, open the control valve until its approximately half open. At this point, water flowing from sump tank to the flow apparatus and discharge through into collection tank. Wait until there is no trapped bubble in the system. Adjust the discharge and control valve until rotameter reach desire reading. By using the air bleed screw ( staddle valve ) , adjust water level in the manometer board ( using screwdriver or pen )....


ASSALAMUALAIKUM, Saya NURUL ATIKAH BINTI KAMARUDDIN(13DEM19F1056) dari kelas DEM2SI. Saya disini ingin berkongsi sedikit ilmu yang saya perolehi dari subjek ini, iaitu subjek thermofluid. Subjek ini kebanyakan orang mengatakan ianya agak mencabar atau lebih dalam lagi agak susah. Disamping itu saya juga didedahkan dengan pelbagai jalan kira..ataupon cara cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam bab ini. Tidak lupa juga sub topic iaitu steam power yang mempunyai 4 kitaran ia merupakan boiler,turbine,condesser dan pump. Dalam subtopic ini juga saya dapat tahu cara untuk mengira 4 kitaran tersebut dengan equation yang telah diajar. Saya ingin mengulas tentang boiler dan turbine.. Boiler merupakan salah satu peralatan proses yang berfungsi memproduksi steam. Steam yang dihasilkan tersebut akan digunakan untuk berbagai  keperluan, antara lain sebagai penggerak turbine dan sebagai media pemanas dalam unit proses.Turbin pula adalah peranti di mana cecair mengembang. Semasa kerja peng...

Pressure And Depth (2)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, saya MOHAMMAD ARIFF FARHAN BIN ZULKARIA (13DEM19F1035) dari kelas DEM2S1 ingin menceritakan tentang PRESSURE AND DEPTH yang dibentangkan oleh ENCIK ROSHAIZUL NIZAM BIN SANI. If your ears have ever popped on a plane flight or ached during a deep dive in a swimming pool, you have experienced the effect of depth on pressure in a fluid. At the Earth’s surface, the air pressure exerted on you is a result of the weight of air above you. This pressure is reduced as you climb up in altitude and the weight of air above you decreases. Under water, the pressure exerted on you increases with increasing depth. In this case, the pressure being exerted upon you is a result of both the weight of water above you and  that of the atmosphere above you. You may notice an air pressure change on an elevator ride that transports you many stories, but you need only dive a meter or so below the surface of a pool to feel a pressure increase. The difference is that water is much den...