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     First and foremost. I would like to introduce myself who create this discussion. My name is Muhammad Amirul Putra Bin Adnan and I'm currently studying at Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin in Terengganu. I'm the chosen one to discuss this topic by being the representative for Mechatronic Engineering students class of June 2019 session from DEM2S1. This task was handed by Mr. Roshaizul Nizam Bin Sani. 
            1.5 : Definition of system, boundary, surrounding, open system and close system.

     By my observation, thermodynamic system or even shortened known as system is a fluid contained by the cylinder head, cylinder walls and the piston. These objects or materials will produce work that we could say it as a system to be more precise.

     Boundary is like a wall around system to keep it running and prevent it from being a part of all the surroundings. It may be the cylinder and piston surface. 

Surrounding :
      Surrounding is the mass region outside the system. 

Close system: 
      Fixed amount of mass, and no mass can cross its boundary. That is no mass can enter or leave a close system. Despite that, an energy such as heat or work can cross its boundary. If this event did somehow happen, the volume would not fixed as it should be.

Open system:
      Basically open system can easily be known when it has an intake in certain times and an out take also in certain times. What i mean by this is, both mass and energy that been carried can cross the boundary of a control volume. i.e. boiler, compressor, turbine, nozzle and engine. 

       1.7 : Energy Conversion.
        Energy conversion is a process of one energy transfer and turn to be another energy. 

i.e. a) kinetic energy > potential energy > heat                   energy.
          But mainly focused is an energy that was produced by a material called coal. It converts a chemical energy into thermal energy. 

         1.8 : Properties of system

          The current condition i.e. saying that the system at high temperature and a low pressure.

Thermodynamic equilibrium: 
           No changes over a long period of time in the character or state of the system is observed. 

Unit 2 : Fluid and depth
           Fluid is a substance that flows easily. i.e. gases and liquids are fluids. Fluids can exert buoyant forces, multiply forces in hydraulic system which were use in an airplane and ships. An airplane and ships need a hydraulic liquid to make sure their system is working smoothly. 
           To make it easier for us to comprehend, when there's more dense on the fluid, the more pressure will react to it. That also goes into the point with when the greater depth the pressure will also grow even greater. 

      this formula is mainly use in searching for pressure.

(rho) which is density of the field.

g is the acceleration of gravity.

h is the height of the fluid above the object

If the container is open on the atmosphere above, the added pressure must be included to find total pressure on the object. The total pressure is the same as on absolute pressure  gauge readings, while the gauge pressure is the same as the fluid pressure alone, not including the atmosphere pressure. 

This is the formula that was used in this particular cases. 

 Pressure and depth

When a liquid ( such as oil and water ), is contained in a vessel. We should count all the forces on the sides and the bottom of the container. This force per unit.

This is some of the formula that we could use .

Example :

I have chosen this formula.

   This is what I can compile for this period of time. Sorry if mistaken was done. Will try my best to do better in the future. See ya in bits. And goodluck to you lads students.

Peace out,


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