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pressure and depth

assalamualaikum,saya  MUHAMMAD HAFFIZZUDDIN BIN ABU HASSAN ingin berkongsi sedikit ilmu yang telah saya pelajari dalam kelas thermofluid kepada anda semua .Tajuk yang akan saya kongsikan kepada anda adalah 'PRESSURE AND DEPTH'.

Pressure and depth have a directly proportional relationship. This is due to the greater column of water that pushes down on an object submersed. Conversely, as objects are lifted, and the depth decreases, pressure is reduced. This relationship between pressure and depth may be looked at with respect to the relationship between pressure and volume, as the column of water has a specific volume and corresponding to depth. Boyle’s Law describes the relationship between pressure and volume: The product of pressure and volume is a constant (PV=k). While Boyle’s Law refers to gases, it is significant to recall that both gases and liquids are fluids, and thus follow the same rules of behavior.


To ditermine relationship between pressure and depth.


the topic that this unit will explore will be pressure and depth .If a fluid is within a container then the depth of an object placed in that fluid can be measured .The deeper the object is placed in the fluid ,the more pressure it experiences.This is because of the weight of the fluid above it, the more pressure is exerted on the object that is submerged, due to the weight of the fluid.

The formula that gives the pressure,P on an object submerged in a fluid is:

                                   p  is the density of the fluid,
                                   g  is the acceleration of gravity,
                                   h  is the height of the fluid above the object

The deeper hole location , it should create more pressure . The more pressure will create a strong jet but less in projectile.

                                            figure 1 : Relationship between pressure and depth.

                                      figure 2  : Relationship between hole location and jet produce.


Experimental procedures

1) Insert any orifice fitting device. Don't forget the sealing ring between Orifice and fitting .
2) Fill the sump tank with water untill it 3/4 full.
3) Fully close control valve.
4) Connect the apparatus to the water supply of the hydraulic bench and start the pump.
5) By using control valve, slowly open and adjust the water head supply of the adjustable overflow        to  desire value.
6) Adjust the jet trajectory probes of the trajectory-tracing device untill they get in contact with the          jet .
7) Read the measurament y-position of the jet and note them down in tabular form.
8) Repeat the experiment with other three water head reading.
9) After finish, turn pump off and fully open control valve.
10) Last but not least, clean and wipe bench and apparatus.


 From our results, we can conclude that the pressure(in psi) required to rupture an object increases as the depth location of an object increases. We can also conclude that this relationship between these two variables as depth increases relationship is linear or a direct variation.


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